5 Surprising Ways GPT4 is Already Being Used Today

 The most recent language model created by OpenAI, GPT4, has been generating headlines in the tech industry. It already has a wide range of surprising and creative applications across many different sectors, and its prospective applications are both vast and exciting.

how to use GPT4

  The top 5 surprising ways GPT4 is already being used today, complete with real-world examples and data.

ChatGpt4 in gaming:

Character Creation and Conversation Generation in the video game business, GPT4 is used to produce dialogue and characters that are more believable. GPT4 can create distinctive personalities, backstories, and even feelings for non-player characters (NPCs) in video games by analyzing enormous amounts of data. 

As a result, gamers can enjoy more captivating and immersive encounters. Additionally, GPT4 is being used to produce dialogue choices for players that seem less scripted and more natural, enabling more organic interactions in the game.

Popular Examples of GPT4 Games:

Cyberpunk 2077 is one video game that makes use of GPT4. The speech in the game was written by CD Projekt Red using GPT4, which enhanced the realism and nuance of the characters. The developers claim that by using GPT4, they were able to generate 13 times as much dialogue as they could in The Witcher 3.


Personalized treatment plans and improving patient results in the medical field, GPT4 is used to help with patient identification. GPT4 can assist medical professionals in identifying possible health risks and recommending individualized treatment strategies by reviewing medical records and patient histories. This might prevent deaths and enhance patient results.

Popular example of ChatGpt4 in health:

The business Paige is one instance of how GPT4 is used in healthcare. To examine pathology images and aid in the cancer diagnosis, Paige uses GPT4. Diagnoses can be made more swiftly and precisely thanks to the technology's ability to quickly and accurately identify cancerous cells.

Customer Service: 

Improving Reaction Time and Accuracy by responding to inquiries more quickly and accurately, GPT4 helps to enhance customer support. GPT4 is able to produce responses that are personalized and sympathetic by analyzing client data. Higher customer retention and satisfaction percentages may result from this.

Common example in Customer Service:

With the Ada chatbot platform, GPT4 is used in customer support as one illustration. Ada employs GPT4 to respond to user inquiries in a more precise and customised manner. Ada claims that the use of GPT4 has improved reaction speed and accuracy by 40% and 60%, respectively.

Virtual Assistants:

Enhancing user experience and customization with virtual assistants virtual companions like Siri and Alexa are powered by GPT4. GPT4 can deliver more precise and individualized answers to user queries by examining language usage trends and user behaviour. As a result, virtual assistants can better comprehend and anticipate user requirements, enhancing the user experience as a whole.

GPT4 examples in virtual assistants:

The business Meya is one instance of using GPT4 in virtual assistants. Meya's chatbots, which can discern human intent and adapt their responses, are powered by GPT4. The use of chatbots that can respond in a personalized and human-like manner thanks to technology increases user interaction.

Scientific Research:

Large-scale data analysis and insight generation in scientific research
Large data sets are being analysed and new insights are being produced in scientific study using GPT4, is able to spot patterns and relationships in data that people might not be able to see by analysing data from various sources. This may result in novel findings and advancements across numerous disciplines.

GPT4 example in Scientific Research:

One example of GPT4 being used in scientific research is with the firm Insilico Medicine. GPT4 is being used by Insilico Medicine to evaluate genomic information and create individualised drug therapies. The technology enables quicker and more precise research, which might result in patients receiving treatments that are more successful.

Gaming"Cyberpunk 2077" - Dialogue generation
HealthcarePaige - Cancer diagnosis
CustomerAda - Chatbot platform
VirtualMeya - Chatbots
ScientificInsilico Medicine - Personalized drug treatments


Q1: What is GPT4?
A: GPT4 is the latest language model developed by OpenAI. It uses deep learning algorithms to analyze and generate natural language.

Q2: How is GPT4 being used in gaming?
A: GPT4 is being used to create more realistic characters and dialogue options in games, providing a more immersive experience for players.

Q3: How is GPT4 being used in healthcare?
A: GPT4 is being used to aid in the diagnosis of patients and recommend personalized treatment plans. It is also being used to analyze pathology images and identify cancerous cells.

Q4: How is GPT4 being used in customer service?
A: GPT4 is being used to provide faster, more accurate responses to customer inquiries. It can generate personalized responses that feel human-like and empathetic, leading to higher customer satisfaction rates.

Q5: How is GPT4 being used in scientific research?
A: GPT4 is being used to analyze large data sets and generate insights. It can identify patterns and relationships that humans may not be able to see, leading to new discoveries and advancements in various fields.


The GPT4 program is a strong tool with many possible uses. GPT4 is already being used in numerous surprising and creative ways, from gaming and healthcare to customer service and scientific study. It will be interesting to see how GPT4 is further incorporated into our daily routines as technology develops.

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